The production of plastic moldings using precise injection brings about waste energy; it is expedient to reuse it from both energetic and environmental point of view.
In 2006, when the reconstruction of the new hall began, where to the company moved in 2007, a project to utilize waste heathad been already reckoned with. This unique project was implemented with support from European Union structural funds and Ministry of Industry and Trade, as part of the Operational Program Industry and Enterprise; in 2009, it was awarded by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Mr.Vladimír Tošovský.
Basic principle
In the company, the waste heat occurs at three levels; to thelargest extent, in the course of hydraulic oil cooling in the presses, at the level of 40 °C. Further waste heat stems from injection mold cooling at about 48 °C. Other sources of thermal energy are the compressors, where heat is generatedat a temperature of about 56 °C. Our heat management system forms a path through which a large portion of the heat produced can be utilized. This happens mainly in the form of underfloor heating of our offices and assembly room, as well as by heating airinthe recuperative unit of air conditioning. Hot water is also heated this way. This practice minimizes the cost of heating our reconstructed building.
The balance between the sources and the consumers of waste heat is dependent on the volume of production in the pressing room andon the outdoor temperature. In case the sources of waste heat do not suffice, the needs are leveled up by gas boilers.
Current status
In recent years, balance was achieved in full operation at about 10 °C. By gradual additions to the system and by acquisitions of new presses, the balance moved roughly to 4 °C. Currently, we are able to operate the heat management system without any additional energy source (like gas boilers) even at -3 °C.
The system cannot be operated without thorough measuring andcontrol system. That is why we created in our company the heat management monitoring system, which allows us to monitor all measured variables (temperature, pressure, irradiation, etc.) andto change a wide range of settings. Monitoring and settingscan also be performed remotely.
Numbers speak for themselves
According to an energy audit of the main building, we would annually consume 100,000 cubic meters of natural gas without using heat management. Withthe heat management project in place, the energy audit determined our consumption of natural gas to 17,100 cubic meters. In fact, the savings are even higher. The following chart shows the development from 2008 to the present. 100% is equal to the value of 17,100 cubic meters. The second chart shows temperature development for comparison between years.