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What does the abbreviation IMS stand for in the name of our company?

It is not

either the IP Multimedia Subsystem,

nor Ion Mobility Spectrometry,

nor even Integrated Management System.

Our founder had a vision to offer comprehensive services to our customers. From design, mold making, plastic injection to final assembly. So that the customer receives perfect care under one roof, to meet all his needs. To offer our long-term experience for the best result. 

Always putting the customer first – following the example of Tomáš Baťa and our great-grandfather, who got up from Christmas Eve dinner because of a burst bulb on the Christmas tree and served a customer. 

IMS stands for Injection Moulding Services – thus Services in injection molding. 

They say not to use words like comprehensive, not to use superlatives or any other fluff – so nothing remains but to experience us “in the flesh”.

We are here for you at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Quick contact

IMS - Drašnar s.r.o.
Semanínská 2090
560 02 Česká Třebová

Tel.: +420 464 622 111
Fax: +420 465 531 050